havoc usa

fundraising program

Learn how the program works and register to join our valued fundraising community. Individuals, clubs, teams and other non-profit organizations are eligible to apply. We do our best to accept as many applicants as we can each year but cannot guarantee acceptance.

4 ways you can raise funds

Fundraising Category 1 

training class SALES

Sell your customers one of our CPR or First Aid classes and earn a donation back to your program for each class sold.

Fundraising Category 2


Sell one of our service consultations  and earn a donation to your program per consultation sold.

Fundraising Category 3

product SALES

Earn a donation for your program for the sale of each item in our product listing.

Fundraising Category 4


Sell an install and upon completion, receive a donation to your program for each unit installed.

havoc usa

how to start fundraising

Below is a step-by-step guide to applying for and beginning your fundraiser. You may also download our fundraising program packet at the top of this page.
Please visit the Contact Us page if you have any questions or concerns.


Completely fill out the form at the bottom of this page, agree to the terms and conditions, and submit it to join our fundraising community. If you wish to fill out a hand written form, you can find one in the fundraising program packet that can be downloaded by clicking the link at the top of this page. We cannot guarantee acceptance, however, we do our best to accept as many applications into the program each year.


Once we have accepted your application and entered you into the program, we will then set up a meeting with you to discuss your organization's intent and goals regarding raising funds. We will break down some of the numbers and discuss how you can maximize efforts and ultimately earn the maximum donation amount possible. Your organization will also receive a Business Campaign Identification Code (BCIC) to help us manage your records.


After we've met with you and your team and determined your goals, we will provide you with some marketing material to help inform your team and drum up business for your organization's fundraiser. This will be key to running a successful campaign and earning a higher donation to your program. You will also provide us with a roster of all participating members of your fundraiser and each participant will receive a Unique Identifying Code (UIC) so we can track their participation.


NOW IT'S GO TIME! Each participant will sell our products and services to potential customers to earn a donation back to your program. Encourage and motivate each member to know about and discuss each product and service well in order to relay the value and benefits of each to the customer. This will help increase sales and ultimately, your final donation amount. *IMPORTANT: Be sure to submit your sales sheets  each week on Thursday. This will allow us to collect payment, schedule, and ship the necessary services and products for your customer in a timely manner.


Email your final sales sheets within a week of the fundraiser completion date to info@havocusaofficial.com. This allows us to process any final payments and accommodate your customer's adequately. Once we receive these from you, we will tally all funds and orders received and provide you with a statement showing the totals and a ranking list of how your team members performed.


After the final fees and sale sheets have been received, reviewed and validated for accuracy and completion, we will calculate your donation amount and process your payment promptly. 

havoc usa

12 tips to maximize your donation

Here are some surefire ways to maximize the amount of your donation.
  • Be sure to submit your fully completed sales sheets to us each Thursday during your fundraiser period. Ensure all blocks are filled out and your UIC's and BCIC are listed then send them to info@havocusaofficial.com
  • Qualify your customers well and encourage them to pay for their products and services promptly.
  • Tap multiple fundraising categories in a single sale. EX: Sell AED and First Aid Kit inspections with classes for business customers. Most businesses are required to have at least one AED on site and it is quick and easy way for you to raise more money.
  • Know our products and services well so you can sell the best package for your customer. The best way to sell is to help identify the customers problem with them, suggest a product or service that can solve the problem, then help the customer see how purchasing your solution aids in fixing the problem.
  • Up-sale for your customer's benefit. Sell a first aid kit, a CPR mask kit, or an AED in conjunction with a class or service. 
  • Ask our sales team questions anytime you have them. If you don't know much about the classes, we can teach you so you can talk with your customer. Not sure what's in the TACPAC? We know, just ask.
  • DO NOT lie or exaggerate in any way about the products or services to your customer. Not only will this cause you to be removed from the fundraising program, but Havoc USA does not condone this behavior and we are sure you and your organization doesn't either.
  • Sell to family, friends, neighbors, or anyone else who can use our products or services. We started our company because we saw the value for everyone to know how to respond in an emergency situation, so keep that in mind while you work with your customers too.
  • Advertise and market your event early, often, and throughout your fundraiser. The more customers that know about your fundraiser, the more you will have purchasing from you.
  • Use social media and place links on your website(s). We will provide you with some marketing material both digital and print. Use it to your advantage.  We just ask that you do not alter it in any way other than placing your organization's logo and contact info in the spaces provided. 
  • Consider a year-round fundraiser or longer period.
  • Remind your customers who purchase classes that they will need to recertify every two years and that they should come back to your fundraiser at that time to get recertified. Just remember to sign up your fundraiser with us first.
havoc usa

fundraiser registration form

Please ensure you fill out this registration form completely and with as much detail as possible in order to have the best chance of being accepted into the program. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to working with you!
I would like to participate in the Havoc USA Fundraising Program. A CHECK IN THE BOX IS REQUIRED TO APPLY
First Name Last Name Title or Position Organization Name E-mail Phone
Is your organization a registered non-profit?
Upload proof of non-profit status
Upload file
What type of organization are you? Or are you an individual? Tell us about your organization. What you do? Why are you fundraising and how do you plan to use the funds donated? What is your fundraising goal? Additional Comments How many participants will you have in your fundraiser? How long do you plan to run your fundraiser? Anticipated start date of your fundraiser? I agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy Submit